The shortest code JSON Parser in history

All the procedures are purely functional

Easy and powerful hight-order fuctions

No external dependencies, good portability


A JSON-struct in here may be a association-list (for dict) or a vector (for array) or these infinite nesting.

It can easily be builded without tool functions, just need ` # ( . ) five symbols.

such as: `(("foo" . "bar")("baz" . #(1 2 3))) = {"foo": "bar", "baz": [1, 2, 3]}

Key must be a string for dict. For an array, the key is a number index begin with 0.

Value may be a string, a number, a following symbol: 'true, 'false or 'null, or an other JSON-struct.

In this library, we use this JSON-struct in scheme code level, for easily operating.

When we get a JSON-string from front-end, parse it to JSON-struct first before operate. (use string->json).

Only when we need to pass it to front-end we parse it to JSON-string. (use json->string).

json-ref, json-set, json-push, json-drop and json-reduce is used to the struct, not to a JSON-string.

When they accept plural keys / verifys they can jump nesting layers to operate multipe branchs.

They return a new JSON-struct (a value for json-ref) with specified modify and has no side effect to old one.

Struct parse rules:


(string->json string)

"{key1: value1, key2: value2, key3: value3 ...}"      =>     ((key1 . value2)(key2 . value2)(key3 . value3) ...)

"[value1, value2, value3 ...]"                        =>     #(value1 value2 value3 ...)


(json->string json)

`((key1 . value2)(key2 . value2)(key3 . value3) ...)   =>    "{key1: value1, key2: value2, key3: value3 ...}"

`#(value1 value2 value3 ...)                           =>    "[value1, value2, value3 ...]"

Tool functions


(json-ref json key)

(json-ref json key1 key2 key3 ...)

use to return the value of a key in specified location of JSON.

when value is:     json-ref return:

true          =>      #t
false         =>      #f
null          =>      '()

when it accept plural keys:

(json-ref json key1 key2 key3) = 

(json-ref (json-ref (json-ref json key1) key2) key3)))

following procedures are embedded high-order function map

They can filter multiple layer and operate multiple branches at the same time.

"Verify" may be a key, a boolean #t or a procedure.

When it's a key, it specife the branch to throw this layer.

When it's a #t, it means operate all of branch of this layer.

When it's a procedure, it match all of keys with in this layer.

The procedure will receive the key of branch and have to return boolean.

When it accept plural verifys, each key will match each layer.


(json-set json verify value)

(json-set json verify1 verify2 verify3 ... value)

use to modify a value or values in specified location of JSON.

"value" may be a value or a procedure.

when it's a value, it will directly replace the old one's.

when it's a procedure, it must accept one argument (current value of key) and return a new value to replace.

Do NOT set #t, #f and '() to values, use 'true, 'false and 'null.


(json-push json key value)

(json-push json verify1 verify2 verify3 ... key value)

use to add a key-value pair to json.

it has to have a key value pair in arguments.


(json-drop json verify)

(json-drop json verify1 verify2 verify3 ...)

use to delete a key-value pair from list.

the lastest verify only accept a key or a procedure.


(json-set json verify procedure)

(json-set json verify1 verify2 verify3 ... procedure)

it likes json-set, the diffrent is it accept only procedure for the lastest argument.

the procedure will receive two arguments: list of key of all layers '(key1 key2 key3 ...) and the current value.

it have to return a new value what you want to put.

be attention that, the list of keys is not the list of verifys. that's means if you use #t to pass all branch of a layer or macth a check procedure to filter them, the procedure will receive its key whitch use to pass this layer not the keys of all match path in this layer.


token (see the is a common json string, such as queries from a database:

(display token)


Ex. string->json

we tranform it to our JSON-struct

(string->json token)

#((("Number" . 1) ("Name" . "Laetetia") ("Gender" . "female") ("Age" . 16)
      ("Number" . 2)
      ("Name" . "Louis")
      ("Age" . 48)
      ("Revenue" . 1000000))
      ("Number" . 3)
      ("Name" . "Lamia")
      ("Age" . 43)
      ("Revenue" . 800000))
    ("Revenue" . 100000)
      ("Math" ("School" . 8) ("Exam" . 9))
      ("Literature" ("School" . 9) ("Exam" . 9))))
  (("Number" . 4) ("Name" . "Tania") ("Gender" . "female") ("Age" . 17)
      ("Number" . 5)
      ("Name" . "Thomas")
      ("Age" . 45)
      ("Revenue" . 150000))
      ("Number" . 6)
      ("Name" . "Jenney")
      ("Age" . 42)
      ("Revenue" . 180000))
    ("Revenue" . 80000)
      ("Math" ("School" . 7) ("Exam" . 8))
      ("Literature" ("School" . 10) ("Exam" . 6))))
  (("Number" . 7) ("Name" . "Anne") ("Gender" . "female") ("Age" . 18)
      ("Number" . 8)
      ("Name" . "Alex")
      ("Age" . 40)
      ("Revenue" . 200000))
      ("Number" . 9)
      ("Name" . "Sicie")
      ("Age" . 43)
      ("Revenue" . 50000))
    ("Revenue" . 120000)
      ("Math" ("School" . 8) ("Exam" . 8))
      ("Literature" ("School" . 6) ("Exam" . 8)))))

(define x (string->json token))

Ex. json->string

when we need to send JSON-string, we transform our JONS-struct back to string:

(display (json->string x))


Ex. json-ref

if I want to know the name of first persone:

(json-ref x 0 "Name")


her mother's name?

(json-ref x 0 "Mother" "Name")


(define displaydemo (lambda (x) (display (json->string x))))

what about her father?

(displaydemo (json-ref x 0 "Father"))


Ex. json-set

if we want change her revenue to 80000

(displaydemo (json-set x 0 "Revenue" 80000))


we can hide everyone's mother's age:

(displaydemo (json-set x #t "Mother" "Age" "secret"))


In france, the Score is 20/20, if we want to change to 100/100

(displaydemo (json-set x #t "Score" #t #t (lambda (x) (* x 5))))


Ex. json-push

add Laetitia's father's profession:

(displaydemo (json-push x 0 "Father" "Profession" "IT"))


add nationality french to all the person

(displaydemo (json-push x #t "Nationality" "french"))


Ex. json-drop

or if we no longer need Laetetia's score: (displaydemo (json-drop x 0 "Score"))


delete everyone's mother's age:

(displaydemo (json-drop x #t "Mother" "Age"))


if we only need these Name and Age

(displaydemo (json-drop x #t (lambda (x)(not (or (equal? x "Name")(equal? x "Age"))))))


Ex. json-reduce

or add the parents' gender

(displaydemo (json-reduce x #t (lambda (x)(or (equal? x "Father")(equal? x "Mother"))) (lambda (x y)(json-push y "Gender" (if (equal? (cadr x) "Father") "male" "female")))))


Drop layers

if we want the total score of each displine

(displaydemo (json-set x #t "Score" #t (lambda (x)(+ (json-ref x "School") (json-ref x "Exam")))))


if we only need father's information:

(displaydemo (json-set x #t (lambda (x)(json-ref x "Father"))))


Reorganization data

set the Revenue as family's total Revenue

(displaydemo (json-set x #t (lambda (x)(json-set x "Revenue" (lambda (y)(+ y (json-ref x "Father" "Revenue") (json-ref x "Mother" "Revenue")))))))


set the Score to all the displines' total score

(displaydemo (json-set x #t "Score" (lambda (x)(let ((x (json-set x #t (lambda(n)(+ (json-ref n "School")(json-ref n "Exam"))))))(+ (json-ref x "Math")(json-ref x "Literature"))))))


results matching ""

    No results matching ""