Darkart Python Interface User's Guide


I haven't prepared the makefile yet, so it will need some manual settings.

Compile ./c/py.c file:

cc -fPIC -shared  -L/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/ -lpython3.7 -o ../py.so py.c

Note that depending on the system, you may need to manually specify the path to python.h.


*po representing a pointer to a Python Object reference.

Most of Py-call procedure accept or return a *po, in Scheme level, it's a memory address which is pointer a specific Python Object.

In the programme Py-call, the Class, the Method, the Number, all of it is *po. In other words, we just pass the memory address in Scheme level.

This fits the philosophy of Scheme: "Parameter passing is by value, but the values are references."

This is also why the python library we call via the chez scheme is efficient than via the python:We just pass some pointer via binary interface, no extra overheadr.

When you write a code with Py-call, keep all the values in type of *po, don't convert it into scheme data until get the final result.

In this document, po may be followed by the type of Python object it points to, like: po, *po etc.

And po{value} means a `po` point to this value.


Library (darkart py call)

Py-init and Py-fin

(py-init) and (py-fin) is the alias of (py-initialize) and (py-finalize).

The codes which manipulating the python library must between (py-init) and (py-fin).

Note that you can use it only on time, or you risk to get a

Exception: invalid memory reference.  Some debugging context lost

If you want to write a library which wrap some Python Library, you don't have to use (py-init) and (py-fin) in the library code. like: https://github.com/guenchi/numpy/blob/master/numpy.sc

Python Library

The library has to install, for exemple via Pip, before darkart call it.

You can go to python envirement do something like import numpy to test it.

procedure: (py-import libraryName)

symbol -> *po

Don't forget store the memory addres that procedure return, like:

(define np (py-import 'numpy))

To repackage a Library to Scheme, there is a Exemple: https://github.com/guenchi/numpy/blob/master/numpy.sc


procedure: (py-get object object)

*po -> symbol -> *po

This is the point syntax of Python. Like:

(define array (py-get np 'array))      = numpy.array

(define pi (py-get np 'pi))            = numpy.pi


procedure: (py-call callable args ...)

*po -> any -> ... -> *po


(py-call array (list->plist int '(1 2 3 4 5)))
=> *op{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}

(define np-array
    (lambda (x)
        (py-call array x)))

(np-array (list->plist int '(1 2 3 4 5)))
=> *op{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}

There is a helper to generate a procedure with *po:

procedure: (py-func object method)

*po -> symbol -> func


(define np-array (py-func np 'array))

(np-array (list->plist int '(1 2 3 4 5)))
=> *op{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}

Some python function need named arguments, use:

procedure: ((py-call* callable args ...) namedArgs)

*po -> any -> ... -> alist -> *po

The alist is like: '((symbol<Name> . *po) ...)


((py-call* array (list->plist int '(1 2 3 4 5)))
    `(('dtype . ,(str "float"))))
=> *op{[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]}

(define-syntax np-array
    (syntax-rules ()
        ((_ e)(py-call *array e))
        ((_ e (k v) ...)
            ((py-call* *array e) 
                (list (cons k v) ...)))))

(np-array (list->plist int '(1 2 3 4 5)))
=> *op{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}

(np-array (list->plist int '(1 2 3 4 5)) ('dtype (str "float")))
=> *op{[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]}

There is also a helper to generate a procedure which need named argument with *po:

procedure: (py-func* object method)

*po -> symbol -> func


(define np-array (py-func* np 'array))

    (list->plist int '(1 2 3 4 5)))
    `(('dtype . ,(str "float"))))
=> *op{[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]}

Args helpers:

procedure: (py-args *po ...)

procedure: (py-args* '(*po ...))

*po -> ... -> *po

This procedure is use to prepare a tuple of arguments for Python's function. It usually won't be used directly because it's included in (py-call),(py-call*),(py-func)and(py-func*).

Number and String

procedure: (pint? pythonData)

alias: (*int?)

procedure: (pflt? pythonData)

alias: (*flt?)

procedure: (pcplx? pythonData)

alias: (*cplx?)

procedure: (pstr? pythonData)

alias: (*str?)

*po -> boolean

Type Check for Python's number and string.

procedure: (s->pint int)

alias: (int)

int -> *po

procedure: (s->pflt float)

alias: (flt)

float -> *po

procedure: (s->pcplx cflonum)

alias: (cplx)

cflonum -> *po

procedure: (s->pstr string)

alias: (str)

string -> *po

Covert a Scheme data to Python data.


(int 8)                       => *po{8}

(flt 3.1415926)               => *po{3.1415926}

(str "foo")                   => *po{"foo"}
procedure: (p->sint pyInt)

alias: (*int)

*po -> number

procedure: (p->sflt pyFloat)

alias: (*flt)

*po -> number

procedure: (p->scplx pyComplex)

alias: (*cplx)

*po -> cflonum

procedure: (p->sstr pyStr)

alias: (*str)

*po -> string

Covert a Python data to Scheme data.


(*int (int 8))                => 8

(*flt (flt 3.1415926))        => 3.1415926

(*str (str "foo"))            => "foo"
procedure: (s->ptype schemeData)

alias: (auto)

any -> *po

procedure: (p->stype pythonData)

alias: (*auto)

*po -> any

Automatic simple type detection and conversion.


(*auto (int 8))                 => 8

(*auto (flt 3.1415926))         => 3.1415926

(*auto (str "foo"))             => "foo"

List and Tuple

procedure: (list->plist list)

procedure: (list->ptuple list)

list -> *po

procedure: (vector->plist vector)

procedure: (vector->ptuple vector)

vector -> *po

procedure: (list->plist type list)

procedure: (list->ptuple type list)

func -> list -> *po

procedure: (vector->plist type vector)

procedure: (vector->ptuple type vector)

func -> vector -> *po

procedure: (list->plist* '(*po ...))

procedure: (list->ptuple* '(*po ...))

list (*po) -> *po

procedure: (vector->plist* #(*po ...))

procedure: (vector->ptuple* #(*po ...))

vector (*po) -> *po

Covert a Scheme's List and Vector to Python's List and Tuple.

The type covert procedure will be: int flt cplx str or nothing.

If there is no specific type transfer function, the program will automatically check the type, but it is more efficient when specifying the type.


(list->plist int '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))

(vector->plist* `#(,(int 1) ,(flt 3.14159) ,(str "foo")))

Attention that if don't specific list / vector's type, you have to covert data to *po before make list / vector.

procedure: (plist->list pyList)

procedure: (ptuple->list pyTuple)

*po -> list

procedure: (plist->vector pyList)

procedure: (ptuple->vector pyTuple)

*po -> vector

procedure: (plist->list type pyList)

procedure: (ptuple->list type pyTuple)

func -> *po -> list

procedure: (plist->vector type pyList)

procedure: (ptuple->vector type pyTuple)

func -> *po -> vector

procedure: (plist->list* pyList)

procedure: (ptuple->list* pyTuple)

*po -> list (*po)

procedure: (plist->vector* pyList)

procedure: (ptuple->vector* pyTuple)

*po -> vector (*po)

The type procedure will be: *int *flt *cplx *str or nothing.

If there is no specific type transfer function, the program will automatically check the type, but it is more efficient when specifying the type.


(plist->list *int (list->plist int '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
=> (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)

(plist->list (list->plist* `(,(int 1) ,(flt 3.14159) ,(str "foo"))))
=> (1 3.14159 "foo")

(plist->list* (list->plist* `(,(int 1) ,(flt 3.14159) ,(str "foo"))))
=> (*po{1} *po{3.14159} *po{"foo"})

In last case it return a list of Memory Adresse of po. You can use (int), (flt) or (str) to convert it to Scheme Data.


(*int (car (plist->list* (list->plist* `(,(int 1) ,(flt 3.14159) ,(str "foo"))))))
=> 1

(*flt (cadr (plist->list* (list->plist* `(,(int 1) ,(flt 3.14159) ,(str "foo"))))))
=> 3.14159

(*str (caddr (plist->list* (list->plist* `(,(int 1) ,(flt 3.14159) ,(str "foo"))))))
=> "foo"

Numeric Operations

procedure: (py-add pyNum pyNum)

procedure: (py-sub pyNum pyNum)

procedure: (py-mul pyNum pyNum)

procedure: (py-div pyNum pyNum)

procedure: (py-fdiv pyNum pyNum)

procedure: (py-mod pyNum pyNum)

procedure: (py-lsh pyNum pyNum)

procedure: (py-rsh pyNum pyNum)

procedure: (py-and pyNum pyNum)

procedure: (py-or pyNum pyNum)

procedure: (py-xor pyNum pyNum)

*po -> *po -> *po

procedure: (py-inv pyNum)

procedure: (py-abs pyNum)

procedure: (py-neg pyNum)

*po -> *po

*po in here may be a number or a list, tuple, array(numpy) of number.


(py-add (int 3) (int 5))                            => *po{8}

(py-mul (int 8) (list->plist int' '(1 2 3 4 5)))  => *po{[8, 16, 24, 32, 40]}

(py-abs (int -5))                                   => *po{5}

Python's list

procedure: (plist? pyObject)

*po -> boolean

procedure: (make-plist size)

int -> *po

procedure: (plist-length pyList)

*po -> int

procedure: (plist-ref pyList index ...)

*po -> int -> ... -> *po

procedure: (plist-set! pyList index ... pyObject)

*po -> int -> ... -> *po -> 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (plist-sref pyList begin end)

*po -> int -> int -> *po 

procedure: (plist-sref pyList index ... (begin end))

*po -> int -> ... -> (int int) -> *po

procedure: (plist-sset! pyList begin end pyList)

*po -> int -> int -> *po -> 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (plist-sset! pyList index ... (begin end) pyList)

*po -> int -> ... -> (int int) -> *po -> 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (plist-insert! pyList index pyObject)

*po -> int -> *po -> 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (plist-append! targetPyList pyList)

*po -> *po -> 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (plist-sort!)

0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (plist-reverse!)

0 on success or -1 on failure.

Python's tuple

procedure: (ptuple? *po)

return: boolean

procedure: (make-ptuple int<index>)

return: *po<tuple>

procedure: (ptuple-length *po<tuple>)

return: int<index>

procedure: (ptuple-ref *po<tuple> int<index> ...)

return: *po

procedure: (ptuple-set! *po<tuple> int<index> ... *po)

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (ptuple-sref *po<tuple> int<begin> int<end>)

procedure: (ptuple-sref *po<tuple> int<index> ... (int<begin> int<end>))

return: *po<tuple>{slice}

Python's set

procedure: (pset? *po)

return: boolean

procedure: (make-pset *po<iterable>)

return: *po<set>

procedure: (pset-length *po<set>)

return: int<size>

procedure: (pset-contains *po<set>)

return: 1 if found, 0 if not found, and -1 if an error is encountered.

procedure: (pset-add! *po<set> *po{key})

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (pset-del! *po<set> *po{key})

return: 1 if found and removed, 0 if not found and no action taken, and -1 if an error is encountered.

procedure: (pset-pop! *po<set>)

return: *po{arbitrary_key}

procedure: (pset-clear! *po<set>)

Python's sequence

procedure: (psequ? *po)

return: boolean

procedure: (psequ->plist *po<sequence>)

return: *po<list>

procedure: (psequ->ptuple *po<sequence>)

return: *po<tuple>

procedure: (psequ-length *po<sequence>)

return: int<size>

procedure: (psequ-append *po<sequence> *po<sequence>)

return: *po<sequence>

procedure: (psequ-repeat *po<sequence> int)

return: *po<sequence>

procedure: (psequ-ref *po<sequence> int)

return: *po

procedure: (psequ-set! *po<sequence> int *po)

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (psequ-del! *po<sequence> int)

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (psequ-sref *po<sequence> int int)

return: *po<sequence>{slice}

procedure: (psequ-sset! *po<sequence> int int *po<sequence>)

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (psequ-sdel! *po<sequence> int int)

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (psequ-count *po<sequence> *po<value>)

return: int

procedure: (psequ-contains *po<sequence> *po<value>)

return: 1 for true 0 for false -1 for fail

procedure: (psequ-index *po<sequence> *po<value>)

return: int

Python's dict

procedure: (pdict? *po)

return: boolean

procedure: (make-pdict)

return: *po<dict>

procedure: (pdict-length *po<dict>)

return: int<size>

procedure: (pdict-ref *po<dict> string<key)

return: *po

procedure: (pdict-ref* *po<dict> *po{key})

return: *po

procedure: (pdict-set! *po<dict> string<key> *po<value>)

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (pdict-set*! *po<dict> *po{key} *po<value>)

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (pdict-del! *po<dict> string<key>)

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (pdict-del*! *po<dict> *po{key})

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (pdict-clear! *po<dict>)

return: <void>

procedure: (pdict-copy *po<dict>)

return: new *po<dict>

procedure: (pdict-keys *po<dict>)

return: *po<list>{key...}

procedure: (pdict-values)

return: *po<list>{value...}

procedure: (pdict-items)

return: *po<list>{key...values...}

Python's mapping

procedure: (pmap? *po)

return: boolean

procedure: (pmap-size *po<mapping>)

return: int

procedure: (pmap-has? *po<mapping> string<key>)

return: boolean

procedure: (pmap-has*? *po<mapping> *po{key})

return: boolean

procedure: (pmap-ref *po<mapping> string<key>)

return: *po

procedure: (pmap-set! *po<mapping> string<key> *po{value}) 

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.


procedure: (py-display *po)

Display anything of Python Object.


Library (darkart py ffi)

This file contains the underlying interface to Python. Usually you won't use it.


procedure: (py-initialize)

procedure: (py-finalize)

See (py-init) and (py-fin) in (darkart py call)

procedure: (py-incref)

procedure: (py-decref)

procedure: (py-new-interpreter)

procedure: (py-end-interpreter)


procedure: (py/number-add *po *po)

procedure: (py/number-subtract *po *po)

procedure: (py/number-multiply *po *po)

procedure: (py/number-divide *po *po)

procedure: (py/number-floor-divide *po *po)

procedure: (py/number-divmod *po *po)

procedure: (py/number-lshift *po *po)

procedure: (py/number-rshift *po *po)

procedure: (py/number-and *po *po)

procedure: (py/number-or *po *po)

procedure: (py/number-xor *po *po)

procedure: (py/number-invert *po)

procedure: (py/number-absolute *po)

procedure: (py/number-negative *po)

return: *po

*po in here may be a number or a list, tuple, array(numpy) of number.


procedure: (py/long-from-long number)

procedure: (py/long-from-unsigned-long number)

procedure: (py/long-from-longlong number)

procedure: (py/long-from-unsigned-longlong number)

procedure: (py/long-from-double number)

procedure: (py/long-from-size_t size_t)

procedure: (py/long-from-ssize_t ssize_t)

return: *po<long>
procedure: (py/float-from-double number)

return: *po<float>

Pass Scheme number to Python.

procedure: (py/int-as-long *po<int>)

procedure: (py/int-as-ssize_t *po<int>)

procedure: (py/long-as-long *po<long>)

procedure: (py/long-as-unsigned-long *po<long>)

procedure: (py/long-as-longlong *po<long>)

procedure: (py/long-as-unsigned-longlong *po<long>)

procedure: (py/long-as-double *po<float>)

procedure: (py/long-as-ssize_t *po<float>)

procedure: (py/float-as-double *po<float>)

return: number

Pass Python number to Scheme.


procedure: (py/bytes-check? *po)

return: boolean
procedure: (py/bytes-from-string string)

return: *po<string>

Pass Scheme string to Python.

procedure: (py/bytes-as-string *po<string>)

return: string

Pass Python string to Scheme.


procedure: (py/list-check? *po)

return: boolean

procedure: (py/list-new int<size>)

return: *po<list>

procedure: (py/list-size *po<list>)

return: int<size>

procedure: (py/list-get-item *po<list> int<index>)

return: *po

procedure: (py/list-set-item! *po<list> int<index> *po)

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (py/list-get-slice *po<list> int int)

return: *po<list>{slice}

procedure: (py/list-set-slice! *po<list> int int *po<list>)

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (py/list-insert! *po<list> int<index> *po)

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (py/list-append! *po<list-target> *po<list>)

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (py/list-sort!)

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (py/list-reverse!)

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.


procedure: (py/tuple-check? *po)

return: boolean

procedure: (py/tuple-new int<index>)

return: *po<tuple>

procedure: (py/tuple-size *po<tuple>)

return: int<index>

procedure: (py/tuple-get-item *po<tuple> int<index>)

return: *po

procedure: (py/tuple-set-item! *po<tuple> int<index> *po)

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (py/tuple-get-slice *po<tuple> int int)

return: *po<tuple>{slice}


procedure: (py/set-check? *po)

return: boolean

procedure: (py/set-new *po<iterable>)

return: *po<set>

procedure: (py/set-size *po<set>)

return: int<size>

procedure: (py/set-contains *po<set>)

return: 1 if found, 0 if not found, and -1 if an error is encountered.

procedure: (py/set-add! *po<set> *po{key})

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (py/set-discard! *po<set> *po{key})

return: 1 if found and removed, 0 if not found and no action taken, and -1 if an error is encountered.

procedure: (py/set-pop! *po<set>)

return: *po{arbitrary_key}

procedure: (py/set-clear! *po<set>)


procedure: (py/sequence-check? *po)

return: boolean

procedure: (py/sequence-list *po<sequence>)

return: *po<list>

procedure: (py/sequence-tuple *po<sequence>)

return: *po<tuple>

procedure: (py/sequence-size *po<sequence>)

return: int<size>

procedure: (py/sequence-concat *po<sequence> *po<sequence>)

return: *po<sequence>

procedure: (py/sequence-repeat *po<sequence> int)

return: *po<sequence>

procedure: (py/sequence-get-item *po<sequence> int)

return: *po

procedure: (py/sequence-set-item! *po<sequence> int *po)

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (py/sequence-del-item! *po<sequence> int)

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (py/sequence-get-slice *po<sequence> int int)

return: *po<sequence>{slice}

procedure: (py/sequence-set-slice! *po<sequence> int int *po<sequence>)

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (py/sequence-del-slice! *po<sequence> int int)

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (py/sequence-count *po<sequence> *po<value>)

return: int

procedure: (py/sequence-contains *po<sequence> *po<value>)

return: 1 for true 0 for false -1 for fail

procedure: (py/sequence-index *po<sequence> *po<value>)

return: int


procedure: (py/dict-check? *po)

return: boolean

procedure: (py/dict-new)

return: *po<dict>

procedure: (py/dict-size *po<dict>)

return: int<size>

procedure: (py/dict-get-item *po<dict> *po{key})

return: *po

procedure: (py/dict-get-item-string *po<dict> string<key>)

return: *po

procedure: (py/dict-set-item! *po<dict> *po{key} *po<value>)

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (py/dict-set-item-string! *po<dict> string<key> *po<value>)

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (py/dict-del-item! *po<dict> *po{key})

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (py/dict-del-item-string! *po<dict> string<key>)

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.

procedure: (py/dict-clear! *po<dict>)

return: <void>

procedure: (py/dict-copy *po<dict>)

return: new *po<dict>

procedure: (py/dict-keys *po<dict>)

return: *po<list>{key...}

procedure: (py/dict-values)

return: *po<list>{value...}

procedure: (py/dict-items)

return: *po<list>{key...values...}


procedure: (py/mapping-check? *po)

return: boolean

procedure: (py/mapping-size *po<mapping>)

return: int

procedure: (py/mapping-has-key-string? *po<mapping> string<key>)

return: boolean

procedure: (py/mapping-has-key? *po<mapping> *po{key})

return: boolean

procedure: (py/mapping-get-item-string *po<mapping> string<key>)

return: *po

procedure: (py/mapping-set-item-string! *po<mapping> string<key> *po{value}) 

return: 0 on success or -1 on failure.


procedure: (py/run-simple-file)

procedure: (py/run-file)

procedure: (py/run-file-exflags)

procedure: (py/run-simple-string)

procedure: (py/run-string)

procedure: (py/run-string-flags)


procedure: (py/import-import)

procedure: (py/import-import-module string<library>)

return: *po<library>

procedure: (py/import-exec-code-module)


procedure: (py/module-new)

procedure: (py/module-get-dict)

procedure: (py/module-get-name)

procedure: (py/module-get-filename)


procedure: (py/object-get-attr-string *po string<keyword>)

return: *po<object,method>

procedure: (py/object-call *po<callable> *po<tulpe>{argument...} *po<dict>{name:argument...})

return: *po

procedure: (py/object-call-object *po<callable> *po<tuple>{argument...)

return: *po

procedure: (py/object-str *po)

return: *po<string>

procedure: (py/callable-check? *po)

return: boolean


procedure: (py-compile-string)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""