(core alist)

(ref association-list key)

=> value or #f

(val association-list value)

=> key or #f

(alter association-list key value)

=> new association-list which has been modified by key

(drop association-list key)

=> new association-list with drop the key's pair

(push association-list key value)

=> new association-list which add a new pair by right

(pop association-list)

=> procedure call by rightest pair et new association-list which drop the rightest pair

(insert association-list key value)

=> new association-list which add a new pair by left

(eject association-list)

=> procedure call by leftest pair et new association-list which drop the leftest pair

(alter! association-list key value)

=> #t for success #f for fails, the old association-list will be modified by key

(drop! association-list key)

=> #t for success #f for fails, the old association-list will be modified: the key's pair is dropped

(push! association-list key value)

=> #t for success, the old association-list will be modified: add a key value pair by right

(pop! association-list)

=> pair, take the rightest pair, and delete it in the old association-list

(insert! association-list key value)

=> #t for success, the old association-list will be modified: add a key value pair by left

(eject! association-list)

=> pair, take the leftest pair, and delete it in the old association-list

(alist->vector association-list)

((0 . value1)(1 . value2)(2 . value3) ...) => #(value1 value2 value3 ...)

(vector->alist vector)

#(value1 value2 value3 ...) => ((0 . value1)(1 . value2)(2 . value3) ...)

(core string)

(split string char)

=> list

(core exception)

(try procedure (catch procedure))

(core loop)

(for variable in collection do-something …)

(for/sum variable in collection do-something …)

=> sum of (begin do-something ...)s

(for/list variable in collection do-something …)

=> list of (begin do-something ...)s

(for/vector variable in collection do-something …)

=> vector of (begin do-something ...)s

(for/min variable in collection do-something …)

=> min number of (begin do-something ...)s

(for/max variable in collection do-something …)

=> max number of (begin do-something ...)s

(core string)

(split str char)

=> list of substrings of str that are separated by char

(split* str char)

=> list of substrings of str that are separated by char, but ignore emputy string

(string-split str sep)

=> list of substrings of str that are separated by string sep

(string-prefix? str pref)

=> if pref is the prefix of str,return true,otherwise false.

(string-find str to-find)

=> list of pairs (positions of to-find in the string str)

(string-replace str )

=> string that froms are replaced by to